#Do not in any circumstances alter this data as EasyClip will not be able to run.
vers:1.50V (4-Oct-96)
# General text
cha2:You are using a ChangeFSI that is different to the version which we supplied. If the image does not render correctly please use the ChangeFSI supplied. This is because there are some problems with later versions such as 1.13S
chan:ChangeFSI has not been seen by the filer. Please open a directory viewer containing ChangeFSI
cols:Due to a limitation of the ArtWorks module, please change to a 256 colour mode when adding ArtWorks files
cont:You cannot delete a group which contains images
drag:Drop the file on the display window
esc2:Escape pressed. EasyClip has stopped adding images
exis:An image of this name already exists
foun:Group not found
grou:A group of this name already exists
last:The last group cannot be deleted
many:EasyClip has had an error. EasyClip must now quit
mem1:Unable to claim enough memory to run. Please release some memory and try again
mem2:Unable to claim enough memory for the cache. Please release some memory and try again
mem3:Not enough memory. Please release some memory and try again
mess:Message from
mult:When adding more than one file at a time please set the 'Open window when adding' option in the Choices window to OFF.
name:EasyClip (Viewer)
nam2:A name must be at least 1 character long
nost:EasyClip (Viewer) is already running
note:Template not found
pict:An image can only be in a maximum of 8 groups
proc:The file may be corrupt and therefore EasyClip cannot process the file
quit:EasyClip has just had a major internal memory problem. EasyClip will now quit but all your data is OK
rend:The image cannot be rendered.
save:To save, drag icon to directory viewer
scra:Wimp$Scrap not defined. Double-click SELECT on the !Scrap application
sear:This action will reset the search. Do you wish to continue ?
squa:Unable to unsquash file. This may be due to lack of disc space.